
Transitioning from primary school to secondary school

As a parent or caregiver of a child with a disability you can support your child as they adjust to secondary school life or a new secondary school. Adjusting can involve becoming familiar with new travel arrangements, new teachers, a different school setting and new classmates.

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Supporting your child with the transition

A child with a disability or developmental challenge may feel anxious about the upcoming changes. These are a few strategies that may help your child with the transition:

In the last term of Year 6, secondary schools usually provide information packs and run orientation programs. During orientation students are shown around the school. Important places like bathrooms, the gymnasium and their classroom(s) are pointed out. New students may also meet with their Year 7 class group and homeroom teacher. Some schools also hold classes to give soon-to-be Year 7 students a taste of their new subjects and a chance to meet some of their other teachers.

If you feel your child needs more time to get to know their new school you can ask the school about extending their orientation.
There are also things you can do as a parent or guardian at home to help your child prepare for starting secondary school. For example, you can help your child get ready for what will happen each day by creating a visual schedule with them.

It is important to practise new travel arrangements with your child before their first day. If they are catching a bus or train to school, practise this journey with them. Make sure they feel confident about getting off at the right stop and crossing roads safely. If you plan to drive your child to school, work out safe drop off and pick-up points.

Arrange some contact such as an outing between your child and other students who will be attending the same secondary school. This may help your child to connect and make new friends.

Many secondary schools aim to welcome students and build friendships early in the first term of Year 7 through activities such as buddy programs and welcome events like Year 7 family nights or barbeques.
Parents often feel apprehensive and have mixed feelings about this transition. Reach out to your friends, family and health professionals for advice and support. It is important that you remain enthusiastic and positive when you speak to your child about school. Your positivity will increase your child’s confidence. View key strategies on maintaining open communication with your child during the transition process.

You may also want to aim to limit any change in your family’s everyday life apart from this transition to maintain a stable and relaxed environment prior to and during the change.
Discuss with your child if and how they want their disability or developmental challenge discussed with other families, and with specialist teachers (e.g. sports, music and arts teachers) and other students. You may wish to seek advice from health professionals, your Student Support Group and/or from families who have already had experience doing this. Some ideas to discuss with the school may include:

  • Inviting one of your child’s health professionals to come to your child’s classroom to talk about the disability or developmental challenge
  • Availability of training or professional development opportunities for teachers about your child’s disability or developmental challenge
  • Preparing an information package for the specialist teachers about your child
  • Writing a short letter for families about your child

You may prefer not to disclose your child’s diagnosis – there is no right way and schools should support you in whatever decision you make.
AllPlay Learn secondary stories can help your child to get ready for secondary school. You can read the stories together or your child might want to read them by themselves. The stories have been designed so that students can get to know about what happens at secondary school. This can help them feel confident and prepared when they begin.

Access AllPlay Learn's story How to be organised on our secondary stories page.

Family experiences with transitions